Hi, I'm Tony

I use he/him pronouns.


Professionally, I'm a Web Ecosystems Consultant at Google. That means I work on making the Web (which isn't the same thing as the Internet) faster and more capable - for users and for developers.

I used to work as a technology consultant on Google Ad Manager, and as an Implementation Engineer and Technical Account Manager at Bazaarvoice.

Outside work

I like to play music, a small amount of video games, and TTRPGs. I'm particular keen on PbtA games, one-shot GMless systems like Fiasco and Kingdom , and would love try a Forged in the Dark game like Scum and Villainy.

I like playing around with JS frameworks like Angular and Lit, and building rinky-dink tools for personal projects. I'm also interested in audio editing and manipulation.

I also enjoy cycling when it's not too soggy out. It's soggy out a lot because I live in London.

I earned a BA in Translation and French in 2011, and an MA in Language and Intercultural Communication in 2013, both from the University of East Anglia. I'm still hugely interested in how culture, identity and poltics are created and recreated through language.

I'm married to the brilliant Tess, and we have a sceptical miniature schnauzer called Pepper.

Where to find me

I don't post a lot, but if you want to follow me somewhere, try the places below.

I also pop up on The Infinite Escape Room sometimes. I'm particularly proud of the 4-part series we ran using the Quest RPG system which you can listen to here . I was also a semi-regular guest on The Mix Up podcast .
